Teddy bear Theodore is an aspiring musician from a quartet based on Krylov’s fable. His instrument is 24 cm contrabass. Theodore is made of a combined material: brown viscose and mohair. He is delicately aged, tinted with art oil and stuffed with wood sawdust with the addition of natural granulate. The limbs are on 5 cotter pin connections. Wire claws are inserted into the paws. The eyes are hand-painted, glass.
Theodore is dressed in a black cotton tailcoat and a white tank top, with a cotton bow around his neck. The bear holds a double bass in his paws. The body, neck and bow are made of linden, the strings of the double bass and bow are made of threads. The instrument is painted with acrylic paints and varnish. The bear stands confidently with support on the double bass.
Teddy bear Theodore is a symbol of kindness, warmth and comfort. He is suitable for all ages and can be presented as a gift to those closest to you. The bear will be a great gift and will decorate your interior.