Meet, it’s teddy bears football players, non-professionals. They are very fond of playing football in their yard. Dexterously accept and throw the ball into the goal. After all, football is not just a game, it’s a whole art. The essence of football boils down to the fact that some are attacked, while others are defending themselves. But in every game, everything always happens in different ways: either players are good at attack techniques, or they are good at defending their goal. Therefore, you never know what the match will end and who will be the winner.
After reading the history of football and watching enough material, especially the part that described what the players used to wear before, I decided to sew funny bears of players of the era of the 30s of the XX century. In our courtyard football team, four boys – Senya, Kesha, Arkhip, Shurik, and two girls – Glasha and Dasha. Bears are made of German viscose, hand-painted and delicately aged. Each teddy bear has its own leather football, densely packed with sawdust.